Lorenzo Sfienti

10 Reasons to Use Packer


Packer is an exceptional tool that enables developers to streamline their development workflow. It allows for the automated creation of machine images for various platforms, such as Amazon EC2, VMware, and Docker. With its versatility and ease of use, Packer has become a go-to solution for many development teams. In this article, we will explore ten compelling reasons why you should consider using Packer in your development process.

1. Build Once, Deploy Anywhere

Packer allows you to create machine images that are platform-agnostic. This means that you can build an image once and deploy it across multiple platforms seamlessly. Whether you need to provision a virtual machine on the cloud or a container for local development, Packer simplifies the process by providing a unified workflow.

2. Infrastructure as Code

With Packer, you can define your machine images using code. This approach, known as Infrastructure as Code (IaC), brings numerous benefits. By defining your infrastructure in a declarative manner, you can version control, share, and collaborate on your image configurations effortlessly. Moreover, the use of code allows for repeatability and scalability in your development process.

3. Time and Cost Savings

By automating the image creation process, Packer saves developers valuable time and reduces costs. Instead of manually provisioning and configuring each machine, Packer takes care of the heavy lifting. This automation leads to increased productivity and enables developers to focus on more critical tasks, such as writing code or improving application features.

4. Consistent Environments

Maintaining consistent environments across different stages of the development lifecycle can be challenging. Packer addresses this issue by ensuring that all machine images are built from the same set of configurations. This consistency eliminates potential environment-related bugs and reduces the time spent on troubleshooting.

5. Security and Compliance

Packer promotes security and compliance by integrating with configuration management tools like Chef and Puppet. These tools allow you to apply security updates, enforce compliance policies, and perform other necessary configurations during the image creation process. By leveraging Packer’s integration capabilities, you can ensure that your machine images adhere to your organization’s security standards.

6. Fast Iterations

In agile development environments, fast iterations are crucial. Packer enables developers to iterate rapidly by providing them with the ability to rebuild machine images quickly. Whether you need to incorporate changes to your application or test different configurations, Packer’s fast iteration capability accelerates your development cycle.

7. Cloud-Ready Images

Packer supports various cloud platforms, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Microsoft Azure. With Packer, you can create machine images specifically tailored for your cloud provider of choice. These cloud-ready images optimize performance, security, and resource utilization, ensuring a smooth transition to the cloud.

8. Community Support

Packer has a vibrant and active community of users and contributors. This community-driven support provides an extensive knowledge base, tutorials, and ready-to-use templates for various platforms. By leveraging the collective wisdom of the Packer community, developers can overcome challenges quickly and efficiently.

9. Integrations with CI/CD Pipelines

Seamless integration with Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipelines is another compelling reason to use Packer. Packer integrates well with popular CI/CD tools such as Jenkins and GitLab CI, enabling you to automate image creation as part of your deployment pipeline. This integration ensures that your machine images are always up-to-date and readily available.

10. Scalability and Flexibility

Packer offers scalability and flexibility in managing your machine images. With its extensible plugin architecture, you can customize Packer to suit your specific requirements. Whether you need to incorporate additional configuration management tools, provisioners, or cloud providers, Packer’s flexibility allows you to adapt it to your unique development environment.


Q: Can Packer be used with containerization technologies like Docker?

A: Absolutely! Packer has native support for Docker and can build container images alongside virtual machine images.

Q: Does Packer require extensive knowledge of configuration management tools?

A: While knowledge of configuration management tools like Chef or Puppet can enhance your Packer usage, it is not mandatory. Packer provides its own set of provisioners that enable you to configure your machine images without relying on external tools.

Q: Can I use Packer to create images for legacy infrastructure?

A: Yes, Packer supports creating images for both modern cloud platforms and traditional virtualization technologies like VMware and VirtualBox.

Q: Is Packer suitable for small development teams?

A: Absolutely! Packer’s ease of use and simplicity make it accessible to teams of all sizes. It can significantly benefit small development teams by automating repetitive tasks and ensuring consistent environments.

Q: Is Packer an open-source tool?

A: Yes, Packer is an open-source tool maintained by HashiCorp. You can find extensive documentation, community support, and the source code on their official website.

Q: Can Packer be used in conjunction with other HashiCorp tools, such as Terraform?

A: Indeed! Packer and Terraform complement each other well. While Packer focuses on image creation, Terraform specializes in infrastructure provisioning. Integrating both tools allows for a seamless end-to-end workflow.


In conclusion, Packer offers a multitude of benefits for streamlining your development workflow. From automating image creation to ensuring consistency across environments, Packer saves time, reduces costs, and enhances security. Its flexibility, scalability, and integration capabilities make it a valuable tool for developers of all levels. Embrace Packer and revolutionize your development process today.